June 2014
Dear friends ~
We just celebrated ten years of biblical counseling and marketplace ministry with Shammahs Field LLC / Shammah Ministries on June 11th!
From Wayne’s 28 years of Steelworker days at Kaiser Aluminum to a decade of private practice (plus four additional years of lay counseling prior to hanging out his shingle), we gratefully acknowledge that only because of His love poured out on us, we have not fallen short of God’s grace…His divine influence upon our hearts that finds its reflection in our lives. (Heb. 12:15)
We have marked this milestone both privately and with the launch of our refreshed ministry website – shammahsfield.com – AND – Nancy’s new life coaching website – nancybentz.com.
If you have already checked out our re-done ministry website, thank you! Now it’s our pleasure to announce the coaching website ready for your viewing pleasure.
To best stay in touch with what is happening in our respective ‘fields’, we invite you to:
– Read our monthly e-newsletter (as you are now doing!)
– Subscribe to Wellspring of Life for spiritual food posts
– Subscribe on the new coaching website for concise and helpful coaching posts in a variety of categories
– Save us as ‘favorites’ and visit our sites for updates
– Share both websites and resources with others!
Though we wish we could sit down with each of you over a cup of coffee and catch up, we all know that’s not quite possible. So, we welcome your comments, email, phone call, or snail mail note.
If we might be a resource for where ‘life’ finds you in this season, please let us know. In the meantime, join us in celebrating God’s wonderful goodness and faithfulness these ten years!
Looking forward with anticipation to the next ten…
~ Mr. & Mrs. Shammah ~
P.S. As always, we appreciate your prayers and support. If you wish to give a gift in commemoration of our decade of ministry, or choose to sponsor a client who has limited financial resources, we welcome your heartfelt contribution for bringing healing to others.
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