When have you experienced the kiss of the King?
As I sat down to write this post, that question was in my mind. So, I first tried to answer it myself before I asked it of you…
Was it as a sick year-old baby in the hospital when I needed comfort? Was it as a young girl coming out of yet another epileptic seizure with His kiss speaking “peace, be still” to my body? Or was it at eighteen when I understood relationship with Jesus in a whole new way?
Was it when I stood at the altar and received my earthly prince’s kiss in marriage? Was it through the writings of others as I turned the pages of God’s strategically timed messages to my heart? Was it as I gave birth to my three children? Or was it in the oncologist’s office being told I had breast cancer, not once but twice? Was it through loss brought about by death of loved ones?
Was it on the peak of exciting mountaintop experiences, or was it when veiled in the valley of desolation? Was it when I thought myself most acceptable? Or when I didn’t like the ‘me’ I’d become?
My list goes on, but the answer is ‘yes.’ It was all those times and more. Sometimes seasons-long kisses.
Many times I was not aware I had been kissed; at least, not then. Other times I was deeply sensitive to the impression of His affection and love upon my heart and mind.
No doubt each of us holds in our memory bank our own exclusive list. It may not be a cognitive remembering, but our spirit having received His ‘kiss’ never forgets. Each kiss was His attempt to love us back to life.
In my experience, there were times His kisses comforted and brought peace. There was a serenity; a quietness that accompanied His love. It felt wonderful. The hazard was that it was all too easy to decide this was a good place to hibernate. Can you relate?
Like a sweet aperitif, sometimes His kisses have induced us to shut out the world, lay down our sleepy heads, and take our rest. The kisses of the King then become nothing more than a sweet but dim memory. Rather like a fading dream teasing the edges of our power to recall.
For the record, God is not uncaring about our need for spiritual rest (or natural rest) when we are weary in body and heart. He orders our times and seasons. But like a lovesick suitor, He will not be deterred in His pursuit of our wholehearted devotion.
How many times in the course of our lifetime has He come to coax us out of our slumber and draw us onward? He knows that life lived awakened in Him results in grace and glory, in a way that spiritual sleepwalking will never achieve for us.
Today, the King’s kiss carries with it a yet more powerful call to awakening. There is urgency in His ardor. He is jealous for us, with love and commitment that goes beyond our mind’s capacity to comprehend. He will yet have what is rightfully His.
He is in love with us. And our heart has the capacity to love in return because He first loved us.
So, the real question is – have we fallen in love with Him, not just with the idea of Him?
And if so, are we falling more deeply in love with Him? Are we still responsive to His kisses? Does our heart continue to stir and waken to His passion to live life with us?
I pray it is so, for He is mustering a beautiful army among His once sleeping, now awakened beauties.
Sealed with the King’s kiss,
Gracefully Free
“May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine.” (Song of Songs 1:2 NASB)
Wayne Bentz says
Truly you have been kissed many times. I pray that they become too numerous to count. I am a witness to His great and enduring love for you.
Lisa says
Thank you for the picture of His kisses for each of us! I pray that our lives cross paths with each other that we are willing to share those kisses and are awakened to new things that He is drawing us to. Love CP
Erica says
thank you-just what I needed to hear.
Jan Torres says
So good! Today was one of those days.