…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB Part 4 ~ Two Deer & A Bear speaks to the third dream related in the initial post, A Bear, An Alligator, Two Deer & A Bear. You may access here – Three Dreams – Part 2 ~ A Bear and Three […]
“Wellspring” Fourth Anniversary & Birthday Edition
Wellspring of Life and granddaughter Rielyn turned four years old today! When I published my first post on May 2, 2010 there was no way of knowing what the next four years would bring. Life has been full of joyous and difficult seasons, but one thing remains the same: our Lord. He is more than […]
Vineyard Days – Parched Fields
Vineyard Days has been mulling around inside almost since I began writing Desert Days two years ago. Though I was experiencing a ‘parched field’ season back then, there was a growing assurance through faith that I had not traveled thus far in my life to remain living in desert-like conditions. If my desert was to […]
Royalty Realm
Like most people, entering a new year gets my most hopeful juices flowing. I admit I was ready to wave “buh-bye!” to 2011. Then without so much as a hiccup, the New Year came splashing in upon us like a jet boat churning up water. We’ve been riding the wake the past two weeks. 2012 […]
Jehovah-Shammah – The Lord Is There
Happy New Year, dear reader! I hope, like our household, that you welcomed 2012 with open arms. No matter what the next 366 days bring (it’s Leap Year, too!), the LORD is already there as each day dawns. He’s waiting just for you…and I pray you experience the magnificence of His presence for where the […]
Desert Days – Leaning on Her Beloved
“Who is this that comes up from the wilderness, leaning on her Beloved?” (Song of Solomon 8:5 LITV) Some attribute these words to the bridegroom in the love story of the Song of Solomon. Others cite the question as being posed by the Shulamite’s friends. Both may be theologically correct. But I know what resonates […]
The Place that Overlooks the Desert
There are times the Lord allows the perfect storm because He alone has the perfect strategy. We are a less-blessed people if we engage the belief that the desert is simply a desert…a dry, dusty, tiresome, boring, miserable, endless trek with no good purpose. Even the desert has its times of victory! However, the only […]
Desert Days – The Eye of the Needle
You know it’s been a long week when it stretches into two… I left us all standing at the border between the desert and the Promised Land. While I was waiting on dusty tiptoes, you may have started tapping an impatient toe or two of your own. I apologize. I was practicing tonight’s blog… The […]
Desert Days – Standing at the Border
Earlier this week I came across a teaching that is the capstone my spirit has been waiting for to bring closure to this series on Desert Days. Instinctively, I’ve known for several weeks that the shift was coming but recognized that waiting for God’s timing was key. On the Jewish calendar there is a specific […]
Desert Days – Sanctuary
When I was elementary school age, one of our family vacations included a visit to a cave’s interior. You know the kind…where the guide turns out the flashlight and the inky blackness is so thick, you cannot see your hand in front of your face. If you were to try to move, all sense of […]