…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB True or False There is something about the nature of true that cuts through the tangled web of confusion and turmoil. To be strong and courageous, we begin with a set point of choosing to believe Jesus is 100% true with no […]
Spirit of Truth & Grace
…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB Dear friends, The past eight years I have done a lot of listening, observing, waiting, and writing. A new batch of grapes has been thoroughly trodden with the Spirit of Truth – rendering new wine and much-needed fresh oil of grace. Having […]
The Bridge of Grace
Those who have followed Wellspring of Life know that I write an annual Wellspring anniversary and granddaughter birthday post because both were born on May 2, 2010. Thirteen is around the corner! This writing is a birthday reflection of my own as I call to mind the way the Lord called me by name. It […]
Get a Grip on Grace
There’s a lot of talk these days about privilege. Dear Christian, it’s time to more fully get a grip on grace – the believer’s highest privilege God bestows. I’m especially fond of the Living Bible translation of Romans 5:2. Authored by Paul, no one knew better what it was to get a grip on grace! […]
Vineyard Days – Terroir
The selah moment is concluded, unless this post throws you back into another one…which is often my hopeful intention! I sit in amazement at how the Lord continues to bring to my notice intriguing tidbits relevant to Vineyard Days. I go off on a search about one thing and hit pay dirt. Which now leads […]
A Thousand Little Choices, Part 3
There has always been a prelude to our life of choices. I don’t remember selecting the family I would be born into; do you? My nationality, the place on earth I would live, the era in which I would land, born to position or humble means…none of these were handed to me on a ‘menu’ […]
A Thousand Little Choices
I’ve been quietly bouncing up and down on this limb of thought for awhile. It seems like a good day to quit bouncing and write… Consequence is a word in our English language that a lot of people don’t like. I can say that because I have been one of those people that has proven […]
Show Me My Heart
There are some prayers the Lord delights to answer. Sometimes we may not be delighted to pray them. But if we do, we almost assuredly will be audience to the zealous presence of the Holy Spirit. “Show me my heart” is one of those prayers. Recently I found myself praying this very prayer. It was […]
Royalty Realm – Overshadowed by Grace
Remember Peter, Paul, and Mary? No, I’m not talking about the US folk-singing trio of the sixties (though I now have If I Had a Hammer stuck in my head…), but a biblical trio mentioned in scripture as being ‘overshadowed’ by the Lord. The first mention in the New Testament was in Mary’s story when […]
Royalty Realm – Ruined by Grace
Sometimes, “speechless” is the only word in my vocabulary. Recently my husband and I had occasion to be in public settings where what was displayed grieved the Spirit of Christ within us. While in for a car repair one Friday afternoon we were exposed to something on cable TV in the dealer’s waiting room we […]