Now the parable is this: The seed is the Word of God. But as for that [seed] in the good soil, these are [the people] who, hearing the Word, hold it fast in a just (noble, virtuous) and worthy heart, and steadily bring forth fruit with patience. Luke 8:11&15 (AMP) ~ Jesus speaking I love reading what […]
2014 – The Year of Double Portion
Here we stand on the threshold of a new year. Three hundred sixty five days stretching out in front of us. What will we do with them? What will 2014 bring? And in return, how will we respond as it unfolds? I think Isaiah was a branch of the True Vine anointed by the Lord […]
Vineyard Days – A Branch, A Vine and A Pile of Rocks
The Shulamite was coming uncorked. She was upset with those close to her (“my mother’s children were angry with me” SS 1:6b), while not yet realizing that her frustration resulted from some erringly placed attachments. All she knew is that she was laboring hard, trying her best, working long hours guarding the vineyard, and feeling […]
Vineyard Days – Parched Fields
Vineyard Days has been mulling around inside almost since I began writing Desert Days two years ago. Though I was experiencing a ‘parched field’ season back then, there was a growing assurance through faith that I had not traveled thus far in my life to remain living in desert-like conditions. If my desert was to […]
“Wellspring” Second Anniversary & Birthday Edition
Hard to believe a full year has passed and both “Wellspring of Life” and Rielyn Jolene are two years old! What a year this has been! Wayne and I and our married children have lived in “Transition City” these past twelve months. And right under our noses (though 2,400 miles is too far away for […]
Jehovah-Shammah – The Lord Is There
Happy New Year, dear reader! I hope, like our household, that you welcomed 2012 with open arms. No matter what the next 366 days bring (it’s Leap Year, too!), the LORD is already there as each day dawns. He’s waiting just for you…and I pray you experience the magnificence of His presence for where the […]
Desert Days – The High Stakes of Inheritance
One man stands out to me when I read about the children of Israel frittering away forty years in the wilderness: Caleb, Joshua’s partner in clandestine operations. The two of them, along with ten other men – one from each tribe – were commissioned by Moses to explore the territory of Canaan, the Lord’s land […]
Love Scars II – Branded
Six months ago I wrote of raw scars (see Love Scars, September 12, 2010). Today I write of raw beauty that has been fashioned from those scars. There are now new marks to become acquainted with that in time will fade, though will never be completely gone. Would I wish them so? No, for I […]
Christ Supply
It was a sign that apparently the Lord did not want me to miss. CHRIST… SUPPLY shouted at me from the big neon letters on the storefront of the local Christian bookstore in my neighborhood. The ‘IAN’ of their company name was burned out and as I drove past, my eyes were riveted upon it. […]
Hardening of the Hearteries
It’s been a while since the last installment of “what’s clogging up your wellspring?” (See Deflective Hearts post). For some reason, it feels like it’s time for another one. “Oh, goody,” you say. In this holiday season of making merry and eating even more merrily, some things continue grinding on in the background. You’re familiar with […]