Vineyard Days has been mulling around inside almost since I began writing Desert Days two years ago. Though I was experiencing a ‘parched field’ season back then, there was a growing assurance through faith that I had not traveled thus far in my life to remain living in desert-like conditions. If my desert was to […]
Royalty Realm – Overshadowed by Grace
Remember Peter, Paul, and Mary? No, I’m not talking about the US folk-singing trio of the sixties (though I now have If I Had a Hammer stuck in my head…), but a biblical trio mentioned in scripture as being ‘overshadowed’ by the Lord. The first mention in the New Testament was in Mary’s story when […]
Royalty Realm – Sleeping Beauties, Part 2
When have you experienced the kiss of the King? As I sat down to write this post, that question was in my mind. So, I first tried to answer it myself before I asked it of you… Was it as a sick year-old baby in the hospital when I needed comfort? Was it as a […]
Royalty Realm – The Real
Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 A holy hush brushed warm against his face. His footsteps fell softly as he approached the door. It stood high and imposing but with […]
Royalty Realm – Awakened
I am a dreamer. No, not the ‘head in the clouds’ type, but one who dreams the dreams God gives. As a result, there is a verse I have come to love as the Holy Spirit visits me in the sleeping hours: “I slept, but my heart was awake.” Song of Solomon 5:2 Such was […]
Royalty Realm – A Teachable Spirit
It is difficult to learn anything new if you are not paying attention. It is even more difficult to learn the ways of the Kingdom if you are paying attention…to the wrong things. One of the titles others bestowed on Jesus in his day was “Teacher.” When I consider His humanity, it is this aspect […]
Royalty Realm – In a Manner Worthy of a King
Waiting. Resting. Developing patience. Building faith. We commonly use these and many more descriptors to express what is going on when forward movement seems to have come to a halt, or at the least, slogging through molasses. Such nice terms for, “Hmm…here I am. Where are you, God?” Just recently while in this season of […]
Royalty Realm – Real Simple
Life doesn’t get much simpler than living, moving, and having your being in the kingdom of Heaven, aka the Royalty Realm. It’s the constant monitoring of self-imposed or others-imposed expectations that wears you down to a sputter and drains the joy right out of your oil pan. Take Jesus for example… While Jesus lived His […]
Royalty Realm – Unconcealed
There is a state in the Royalty Realm where your heart as a believer can no longer remain concealed. It pulses with desire to know and be known by the Lord. It longs to know the plans He has been thinking of regarding you; plans he has designed for your welfare and safety, with a […]
Royalty Realm – Stunning Beauty
Then I looked, and, oh!–a door open into Heaven. The trumpet-voice, the first voice in my vision, called out, “Ascend and enter. I’ll show you what happens next. 2 I was caught up at once in deep worship and, oh!–a Throne set in Heaven with One Seated on the Throne, 3 suffused in gem hues […]