Waiting. Resting. Developing patience. Building faith. We commonly use these and many more descriptors to express what is going on when forward movement seems to have come to a halt, or at the least, slogging through molasses. Such nice terms for, “Hmm…here I am. Where are you, God?” Just recently while in this season of […]
Royalty Realm – “I Want To See”
It is a different place we find ourselves in these days, my husband and I. We have not been here before. Our consolation is that Jesus has. And so our dependence on Him deepens with every step. We are midway through our transition year after my leaving a long career of employment with others covering […]
Royalty Realm – When God Hits the Wall, Part 2
When last we met, I left you with this … “Sometimes, God hits the wall. When He does, will He find in you and me a heart that is so identified with Him that He will know He has found a place where He can settle down and remain in rest?” Let’s continue our exploring […]
Royalty Realm – When God Hits the Wall
I believe in the longsuffering love and mercy of God. I also believe the time is soon upon us when God will announce, “Enough.” One of the mysteries of the Bible that has intrigued me most develops right out of the gate in Genesis. By chapter 6, this cataclysmic event in God’s own story is […]
Royalty Realm – Father of Light
Dearest Abba, Happy eternal Father’s Day! One day a year does not suffice for recognizing You as the only Father from whom all of us have come. Brothers and sisters, all. So many generations; so many children you have, dear Ancient of Days. Yet no one escapes your notice. They can’t because You are the […]
Royalty Realm – Sticky Fingers
Have you recently dipped your fingers in a pot of honey and swiped a big swath of sticky sweetness? Unless you’re a bear, my guess is probably ‘not lately.’ Here in the Royalty Realm, however, sticky fingers are a precious commodity… In Psalm 119, tucked away like bee’s candy in a hive, is a verse […]
Royalty Realm – Real Simple
Life doesn’t get much simpler than living, moving, and having your being in the kingdom of Heaven, aka the Royalty Realm. It’s the constant monitoring of self-imposed or others-imposed expectations that wears you down to a sputter and drains the joy right out of your oil pan. Take Jesus for example… While Jesus lived His […]
Royalty Realm – Christ Our Apparel, Part 2
Another BB collided as I started typing this blog post with the boxcar and railroad track intro. It never occurred to me until my fingers hit my laptop keyboard: my maternal grandfather was a railroad man right up until his death. I was only five months old when he died so I never knew my […]
Royalty Realm – Christ Our Apparel
My husband and I have a running joke when one of us, in the course of conversation, declares, “I had an idea!” The other one’s funny bone gets tickled and usually pops off with the reply, “Ah! Two BBs in a boxcar collided!” Somehow it never gets old; it just sends us off into a […]
Royalty Realm – Unconcealed
There is a state in the Royalty Realm where your heart as a believer can no longer remain concealed. It pulses with desire to know and be known by the Lord. It longs to know the plans He has been thinking of regarding you; plans he has designed for your welfare and safety, with a […]