*** Yoyo-ing between frustration about herself and others and feeling good about her self-impression and how others viewed her, had swung her one too many times in the wrong direction. She was worn out and had finally tired. It was about time. The Shulamite was ready to listen… “Tell me, You whom my soul loves, […]
Vineyard Days – A Branch, A Vine and A Pile of Rocks
The Shulamite was coming uncorked. She was upset with those close to her (“my mother’s children were angry with me” SS 1:6b), while not yet realizing that her frustration resulted from some erringly placed attachments. All she knew is that she was laboring hard, trying her best, working long hours guarding the vineyard, and feeling […]
Vineyard Days – Selah
Selah. That simple word in scripture that invites us to pause, weigh and value what we have read. Selah is a suspension of music – and here in Solomon’s Song, here in the vineyard, let’s have a selah moment… The Word of God is rich in its truth. Like the Shulamite in Vineyard Days, the […]
Vineyard Days – Two Suitors
The Shulamite was faced with a dilemma. That “something special” about her had captivated the attention of two suitors. On one hand, she had experienced her first love. More than that, her Shepherd Lover was her true and lasting love. They were meant for each other, and she would yet come to know what longing […]
Vineyard Days – The Way of the Beloved
Who is there that does not love a good story? The most intriguing, I have found, is the one that draws us into the fabric of the narrative being woven. As if we have stepped into the very pages… Such is the Song of Solomon. It is the beautiful and challenging account of the Lord’s […]