If we could imagine the love of one who loves men purely for their own sake, and not because of any need or desire of his own, purely desires their good, and yet loves them wholly, not for what at this moment they are, but for what he knows he can make of them because […]
Vineyard Days – Selah III
Penning Vineyard Days has been to this wellspring’s heart what writer’s block is to an author’s novel. I hit a wall. For four weeks I have been focused on writing other pieces and getting a Fall video series underway with fourteen students in the class. It was also four weeks ago that I posted Part […]
Vineyard Days – Three Confessions of Love, Part 2
If a branch is going to bear fruit, there comes a time in the believer’s life when growth is not an option. It is a necessity. To advance upon the stairs toward the heart of the Beloved means that Eros love must be left behind and a higher expression of love embraced. It is a […]
Vineyard Days – Three Confessions of Love, Part 1
The Shulamite’s (and our) progress in spiritual growth can be likened to ascending stairs from one level to the next. The lovely truth is that Shepherd Lover was so intentional in His desire for her fellowship that He designed opportunities for her to respond to Him (just as He does for us). At every level […]