…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB In the Four Years Since 2020 Four years ago, I published what was then the 23rd letter in the Dear Christian series. We all remember 2020: the Covid year that tipped our lives and world off its axis. But here’s what it […]
Unfinished Business
…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB It Isn’t Over ‘til the Fat Lady Sings …or whatever is your shape, size, gender, race, income, IQ, EQ, religious faith, political lean, family, or vocation. “Unfinished business” in the Spirit of Truth and Grace is spiritual commerce conducted but left unfinished. […]
Name the Nails
…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB Which Came First? The Hammer or the Nails? While watching a law enforcement/detective-type television series, an arresting statement in the ‘spirit of truth’ was made to the key character (from someone who loved them and showed them grace week after week) – […]
When First Resurrected, Lazarus Stinks
…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB When First Resurrected, Lazarus Stinks Nothing is so smelly and ‘toss your cookies’ retching as something dead and decomposing. A few decades ago, I worked as executive assistant to the director of a local hospital department. We were tasked with recruiting and […]
“Little Christs” Syndrome
…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB One Christ, One Throne Continuing in the Spirit of Truth & Grace, I have observed, read, and heard heralded some of the distorted ideas I can only describe as “little Christs” syndrome. It flows directly from the stronghold of a divided […]
Double-Minded: The Big Divorce
…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB While recently reading a news article about a political candidate, my attention was arrested by their statement: “This is what I have to do to play the game (ie., to get ahead politically), but it’s not who I am.” Not only was […]
Thirty-three Years and A Resurrection
…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB Where Grace Grows Today marks thirty-three years since we moved our family of five into this house with the persistent address. Though we have longed at times to relocate, downsize, inhabit a different floor plan, the two of us are still here. […]
‘Positive Thinking’ Christianity
…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB When Positive Thinking Peters Out ‘Positive thinking’ Christianity is nothing new. Empires have been built on self-help, self-empowerment, and self-worth messages delivered in every format available. From pulpit to platform, spoken or written, in the flesh or artificially. Good intentions mixed with […]
…grace and truth came to be through Jesus Christ. ~ John 1:17b NASB True or False There is something about the nature of true that cuts through the tangled web of confusion and turmoil. To be strong and courageous, we begin with a set point of choosing to believe Jesus is 100% true with no […]
“Wellspring” Fourteenth Anniversary & Birthday Edition
Thank you for joining me in my annual covenant celebration with this year’s “Wellspring” Fourteenth Anniversary & Birthday Edition! Fourteen years. I could ask “where has the time gone?!” but I already know the answer to that question. It’s passed one day at a time through seasons of scribing in Wellspring. And 365 days a […]