The last three weeks have been a platform for the Presence of God. I’m not sure how to even speak of the ways He has shown Himself to me, except to say He’s been very busy and very real.
This morning Wayne and I shared companioned silence as we soaked in the Word, studied and read. I have been reading Hannah Hurnard’s autobiography – Miss Hurnard being the author of Hinds’ Feet on High Places, one of the books the LORD placed in my hands over 20 years ago and has used to bring understanding and transformation to this Much-Afraid. (I find it very interesting that I have had the little volume of Hearing Heart, her own story, for probably years sitting on my bookshelf and had not read it until this past month). God’s timing is always perfect, and He knew that where I find myself today is precisely when my heart needed to hear the message and promises He had for me contained within.
I have been asking Abba these last three weeks a lot of questions surrounding this recurrence of cancer. Asking, because I’ve wanted to understand what His purpose is; what He is doing through this trial in the natural; where and how it fits in with all the promises and pathway He has been leading us. It is twenty-one days later since this saga began, and this morning He began to bring a myriad of life threads together, resulting in a deeper understanding of what He’s up to than we had the day we were delivered the cancer diagnosis. I say ‘we’ because my husband and I are living out this story together. The two are one, and a threefold cord, with the LORD in the center, is not easily broken. How the enemy has tried, but He has not prevailed. Nor will he.
One of my questions has been, ‘why four years later?’ As any cancer survivor knows, it is a relief to hit the two-year cancer-free marker, with the next one being the five-year marker. I have been aiming for it, only to have come into the enemy’s sights, so to speak, at precisely the four-year point, even in the same month. To some, it may seem inconsequential – ‘Why wonder? You have cancer again so the timing doesn’t really matter, does it?’
But it does matter. And another question, much more serious, that has been echoing in my heart is, ‘Abba, is this unto death?’
Sitting on the patio this beautiful summer evening as I write, I grin and laugh because of the scripture of promise the Lord led me to Saturday morning, which I studied out in the literal translation shortly before I began writing this blog post. Here it is…
“When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, regard its fruit as forbidden. For three years you are to consider it forbidden; it must not be eaten.24In the fourth year all its fruit will be holy, an offering of praise to the LORD. 25But in the fifth year you may eat its fruit. In this way your harvest will be increased. I am the LORD your God.” Leviticus 19:23-25
One must understand that Wayne and I are vineyard lovers. Not as in wine-bibbers (though we highly recommend Latah Creek’s Huckleberry Riesling, served at our daughter’s wedding…I’m sure Jesus would have liked it!), but because years ago the desire to live John 15 in this life, this side of heaven – with an abundance of ‘much fruit’ – was lit like a fire within us that has burned with increasing fervor. Last week I wrote about Shammahs Field (see The Enemy’s Been Defeated, July 26) and our cleansing and defending from the enemy the ‘land’ of our lives. Part of cleansing means tearing down, uprooting, and carrying out the rubble, but it doesn’t end there. We have been busily tending, fertilizing and growing new plantings of the LORD in its place. New ‘fruit trees’ with the promise of abundance of yield and a great harvest. Our hearts’ desire.
To be given the promise yesterday morning that in the fourth year the fruit of my life since cancer struck is now made holy and that in the fifth year I may eat its fruit and my harvest will be increased was, I believe, the LORD telling me that this bout with cancer signals both a completion of something deep within that He has been doing in my life and the first fruits of His increase and bounty of Holy Fruit.
Anticipating the harvest…cheers!
Gracefully Free
P.S. This is too incredible to not tell…while I was nearing the end of writing this post and had already written about the vineyard, I received a call that I let go to voicemail, not recognizing the number. When I listened to the message, I was told that a gift had been left on our front porch…a bottle of Latah Creek Huckleberry Riesling, some homemade cookies, and a card. It was from one of my dearest soul friends who said we had been on her heart, and though she couldn’t remember our favorite wine, she was taking a chance. For the second time today, I have shared an incredible laugh at the detail with which Abba has been meeting me right where I am in the moment! Tomorrow morning we meet with the breast surgeon to receive the results of last week’s MRI, PET scan, and possibly the genetic testing if it has been Fed-Ex’d in time for the appointment. I do not fear…whatever tomorrow brings, the LORD has made it a point to let me know He is right here and I will yet live to enjoy the abundant fruit He promises to those who abide in Him and He in them. And this blog post? It’s only one story from the last 3 weeks.
Erin says
I just love that verse from Ecclesiastes. Love it, love how you used it.
You’re courage and trust in God is so inspiring. Please email me tomorrow with results if you get a chance. I’m holding my breath and praying.
Ps: Cheers to His timing!! 🙂
Katrina says
You are so amazing! God is so amazing to have given you that encouragement.
Last week we had our vision cast for womens ministry and we were asked if there was a woman in our lives who has encouraged us for Christ, your name definately came to mind. You encourage me with your candor, study/love for God and willingness to be transparent. Thank You
Love Katrina
Wayne says
Nanc, It will be amazing as we meet with the surgeon tomorrow. We know what our Lord has spoken to us and that we can rest in His everlasting arms.
Your best friend & husband,
Jan says
Gracefully Free,
What a beautiful picture of First Fruits! Messiah is beginning to restore so many Truths that have been hidden for a long time. He is beginning to reveal Mysteries He has kept for this time, to those who love Him and have an ear to hear. He is working in and through us to manifest Himself to a lost and hungry world.
In the beginning God created…, today, He is still creating, re-creating and restoring!
Cheers to the One who turned water into wine, causing the guests at the wedding to proclaim to the Bride’s Father
What a cap to put on your day, with your favorite wine,
cookies and a card being left on your doorstep. HE IS VERY NEAR.
Love you, Jan
Cheryl Lemke says
Nancy as we are waiting for the report today you and Wayne received from the Wine Maker of your lives. We are beholding His Treasures retrieved from the seeming ‘dark place’, because in Him there is NO shadow of turning…He is today and will be all tomorrows the SAME towards you! He has truly called you to the ‘platform’ and you and He are sharing with us the Marvelous Beauty of God’s Glory.
Be encouraged that there is nothing being lost to this darkness, but rather adding to your gathering of the bushel fulls of the work God is doing not only in your lives but us other that are gleaning the Glory of God from your lives.. Your Harvest has begun and the First Fruits are Glorious!
Love you..Cheryl
Anita Schamber says
God is using your blogs to provide grace and blessing to your readers. Your hand writes what your heart is full of… love, beauty, surrender, and witness to God’s hand on your life.
Karen Snyder says
Dearest Nancy,
Joycie called me last night and filled me in on what has been happening with you. I have had you on my heart and now I know why. Of course, you are in my prayers and PRAISE for our Lord’s incredible faithfulness to heal, comfort and provide everything your mind, will, body and emotions need. So wonderful to know that He has you, my dear friend, in the palm of His hand and that you are most certainly the “apple of His eye”. His LIVING Word, what would we do without it. Such a PERFECT and timely scripture He gave to you, and I luv the Huckleberry wine on the doorstep. He truly is the author of all details. I can picture your quick smile and hear your quick wit that so characterizes you and brings fond memories of he laughs we had with our prayer group.
I love you, Nancy, and it is such a privilege to pray for you.
In His Precious and Worthy Name,
Karen Snyder
Paula Baca says
My dear radiation Buddy!~ 😀 ~ I just came across this as I was looking for you to be on Facebook, of all places. I didn’t find you, but found this link on the lower part of the page.
I truly am blessed and encouraged when I see your heart to trust the Lord and He has a purpose, ‘a divine purpose’, in these storms. I think He wants us to contiually reach up out of the water to Him.
You know, my very favorite verse that I have with my collection of grapes is John 15:5.
Abide, my dear sister, as you are.
I love you and will be here. You have my number.
My love to you and your dear family~ Paula B.
Paula Baca says
Oh, Looking forward to that latte’ with you! 😀