On May 22, 2023 – the day that was originally set as Wayne’s and my wedding date forty-seven years ago – related families and friends shared a double Celebration of Life for my oldest sister and brother-in-law. They entered the harbor of Heaven’s eternity just over seven weeks apart; first Bob, then his wife Cheryl. […]
The Woven and The Weaving
One recent day I engaged in conversations with two individuals, each presented with a journey they didn’t ask for. Their journeys look nothing alike; their circumstances are unique. The Lord has seen fit to arrange personal times of community, coupled with listening to, observing, and speaking about the woven and the weaving of their lives. […]
The Perfect Faithfulness of God’s Timing
For persuaded hearts everywhere who find themselves waiting for the perfect faithfulness of God’s timing: Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man, walked this way before us. His soul learned what His spirit knew. Timing is everything. “O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect […]
“This is How We Know”
“This is how we know” coincides with the Mercy portion of a persuaded heart, with Teacher alongside. John the Beloved was a Mercy, who learned from Jesus the Teacher as a disciple before he was sent forth by Him as His Apostle. In John’s living of life after Jesus’s return to the Father, Holy Spirit […]
Legitimacy Lies & Jesus – the Identity Statements
It’s been nearly two years since I introduced Persuaded Heart as a stand-alone post with potential of growing into a Wellspring series. I’d like us to revisit the original post, because two observable things have happened in the past 21 months. One, Persuaded Heart sat as a watchman at its post the rest of 2021. […]
When Persuaded Hearts Grieve Before the Dawn
In Christ, there is a timing to grieving.* When persuaded hearts grieve before the dawn, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; the integrity of His Name depends on it. When it does, the stall doors open. The release is ours. And we will go out and leap again. That’s where […]
Legitimacy Lies and The Art of Rehearsal
“You may not want to live in the past, but it sounds like the past is still living in you.” (Hallmark Christmas movie 2021, male lead to female lead) Whoever the script writer was, they nailed an aspect of legitimacy lies and the art of rehearsal with that line. The script could have just as […]
Legitimacy Lies – “This is How You Do It”
Legitimacy Lies – “This is how you do it” misused, aims at or lands in the heart of an individual’s God-given design. When my counselor husband and I were first introduced to the ever-growing study of the redemptive (grace) gifts, we took seriously the personal component of our respective designs. Early attempts to utilize even […]
Legitimacy Lies – Designed to Disservice Our Design
Legitimacy lies are arrows of the Accuser, their poison tips designed to penetrate one’s soul. If left intact, they permeate the ground of our life and who God designed us to be. There is a toxicity to these poison arrows. The human spirit – our own and the spirit of others – becomes the dumping […]
Persuaded Heart – Eleven and Times of Transition
Dear thirsty ones ~ Thirteen months ago in January 2021, I wrote an initial post, Persuaded Heart, in a new Wellspring category with the potential of becoming a series for the year. 2021 came and went alongside our personal transition into a one-year sabbatical. This post lands timely in our 11th month. Before I paused […]