There are writing days I would like to take what I am alive to in my heart and plant it over into yours. That was not the case as a younger woman; there was not enough life, light, health, or truth to sow in others until I first received. It had to become the living reality of God’s love poured out in my heart, through Holy Spirit who had been given to me.1 Perception of His Presence and reception of His Person became integral life-lessons from His seeking heart of love.

I learned, as have many other beloveds of the Lord, that those personal life-lessons did not and do not quench His intensity. If anything, His approaches increase. Because once received, and that continuously – He finds a place to rest His seeking heart of love. And our found heart finds rest. Such mutuality begets deepening cycles of love, both ways.
He Approaches Again
For love is as strong as death, and jealousy is as relentless as the grave.
Love flares up like a blazing fire, a very ardent flame.3 Songs 8:6b
As collective as the Bride of Christ is in eternal purpose, she is each one individually known and personified to Him.
How many times can a beloved of Christ demur (one way of saying serving up another boatload of excuses 2) before He withdraws and goes in search of other vineyard hearts willing to open to Him? His seeking heart of love will not be subdued from searching. In love as strong as His death, He comes bearing the ardor of the sevenfold Spirit of God.3
Why should He not? This One in whose own image and likeness we are created, longs to be given access to who we are to Him. It is good to grow in understanding who we are in Christ, our Redeemer. Have we considered how aggressively He longs to find a dwelling place for Himself in our heart, whereby He is united again to part of Himself? 4
Fire Upon the Waters
All your waves and billows have gone over me, and floods of sorrow pour upon me like a thundering cataract.[a] Psalm 42:7 (Living Bible)
David spoke of His seeking heart of love when he wrote, “Deep calls unto deep…” He understood in his spirit by the Spirit of the Living God, that the Deep (depths) of the Ancient of Days longs for fellowship (communion and companionship) with the deep of spirit the Lord created within all humanity. His Holy Spirit is like fire upon the waters.
For all that we are or are not yet, there is within each of us a capacity for communion with the Lord. “This treasure in earthen vessels” is something to which He so relates; the imprint of facets of Himself in these jars of clay that we are. There is intelligent, satisfying communion to be found with Him. It began with being given the ability to know His voice. “My sheep know my Voice.”
Our Shulamite heard His Voice knocking in approach again. She has been here before – and as life habituated goes for us – perhaps heard His knock a great number of times. The mercy is that He does approach time and again, His means and His avenues varied or consistent. He knows the way to each heart being made ready; that is not the issue.
It is contentment with memories of His past visitations that becomes little foxes grown into sly adult foxes. Once again, enter the Husbandman who is not only concerned with the condition of His vines, but the harvest for which He waits.
Each time the Shulamite hesitates, Shepherd Lover’s seeking heart of love feels the impact of being sent away once again. He cannot ever righteously be accused of leaving her. He has promised He will never leave nor forsake her. But there comes a time when He will take His leave for a while; only to return at some time inconvenient to her flesh.
So Much and More
There are 20 ways to Sunday this message could be related. And there are – plus many more, as the individual, collective voices of His Shoshannim (Hebrew: lily and trumpet) are added to His speaking-forth heart. Here in Vineyard Days, Shepherd Lover / Bridegroom King is pre-eminent. His Bride made ready is our heart of the matter.
It remains His, too.
Gracefully Free
Note: The many links in this post have been knit together like a garland of grace over the years. Avail yourself, as you will.
1 Romans 5:5 2 Matthew 22:1-14 ~ Parable of the Wedding Banquet
3 Revelation 1:4 ~ seven spirits before His (God the Father’s) throne / sevenfold Spirit of God is (the) Holy Spirit – the perfect (complete) Spirit of God in whom there is a diversity of redemptive gifts of grace (Romans 12:3-8), and Song of Songs 8:6b
4 John 14:20: “On that day (when they would receive the Holy Spirit) you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” ~ Jesus speaking (italics comments added)
[a] literally, “deep calls to deep at the noise of your waterfalls.” Dictionary definition of cataract: a descent of water over a steep surface; a waterfall, especially one of considerable size. any furious rush or downpour of water; deluge.
Photo: Artwork of Danny Hahlbohm – Danny Hahlbohm Official Website
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