Thank you for joining me in my annual covenant celebration with this year’s “Wellspring” Fourteenth Anniversary & Birthday Edition! Fourteen years. I could ask “where has the time gone?!” but I already know the answer to that question. It’s passed one day at a time through seasons of scribing in Wellspring. And 365 days a […]
Vineyard Days – His Seeking Heart of Love
There are writing days I would like to take what I am alive to in my heart and plant it over into yours. That was not the case as a younger woman; there was not enough life, light, health, or truth to sow in others until I first received. It had to become the living […]
The Mother Heart of Father God
– verse from a mother’s heart – Every birth! assigned a new beginning, jars of clay that on this earth will trod … how vast and varied His endless thoughts are toward us loved by the Mother heart of Father God “Who will they be, this one so fresh from Heaven? How will they grow […]
“Wellspring” Fourth Anniversary & Birthday Edition
Wellspring of Life and granddaughter Rielyn turned four years old today! When I published my first post on May 2, 2010 there was no way of knowing what the next four years would bring. Life has been full of joyous and difficult seasons, but one thing remains the same: our Lord. He is more than […]
Vineyard Days – Horticulture of the Heart
Now the parable is this: The seed is the Word of God. But as for that [seed] in the good soil, these are [the people] who, hearing the Word, hold it fast in a just (noble, virtuous) and worthy heart, and steadily bring forth fruit with patience. Luke 8:11&15 (AMP) ~ Jesus speaking I love reading what […]
Vineyard Days – Your Eyes as Doves’
Turn your eyes upon Jesus… Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of His glory and grace. Helen H. Lemmel *** I remember the feelings of being a new bride. Beyond the wedding plans and honeymoon, making a home of our own and being […]
Vineyard Days – Under His Shadow
“All earthly things are the shadows of heavenly realities…” ~ Andrew Murray ~ Embarking on the new year, I dug out a binder this past week from a class I developed and taught seven years ago; then six years ago; and a third time five years ago. Holy Spirit has been prompting me for several […]
Vineyard Days – Three Confessions of Love, Part 3
If we could imagine the love of one who loves men purely for their own sake, and not because of any need or desire of his own, purely desires their good, and yet loves them wholly, not for what at this moment they are, but for what he knows he can make of them because […]
Vineyard Days – Three Confessions of Love, Part 2
If a branch is going to bear fruit, there comes a time in the believer’s life when growth is not an option. It is a necessity. To advance upon the stairs toward the heart of the Beloved means that Eros love must be left behind and a higher expression of love embraced. It is a […]