Wellspring of Life and granddaughter Rielyn turned four years old today!
When I published my first post on May 2, 2010 there was no way of knowing what the next four years would bring. Life has been full of joyous and difficult seasons, but one thing remains the same: our Lord.
He is more than strong and able to grow a blog and grow a life. You’re reading and seeing the evidence right here.
Rielyn is Grandma Nanc’s ‘sweetie’ – as she informed her mom recently when I referred to her by another endearment. You can be sure her birthday card said ‘sweetie.’ I love the laughter she brings!
On the blog side of this twin birthday, many of you readers have traveled together with me through Desert Days to the Royalty Realm and on into Vineyard Days. Along with lots of other Spirit-inspired messages downloaded too. Whether a series or a stand-alone post, I am grateful for the body of writing that Holy Spirit has brought forth.
Like a four-year old who is learning and growing and becoming more defined in who she is, so is Wellspring and Shammah Ministries. In the not too distant future, we get to tear off the wrapping on two new websites! A re-do of our existing Shammahs Field site and a new coaching website that will also feature other offerings available through Shammah Ministries. What a great ‘birthday’ present to look forward to, for us and hopefully many of you and new others!
Living as eternal beings having a human experience remains the joy and challenge of life. My faith and prayer reaches into this next year asking, “Thy reign come; Thy will come to pass, as in heaven also on earth…” (Luke 11:2 YLT)
My heart is passionate about our heart. Our heart for our Bridegroom King and our heart for His truth.
The Lord has spent years deeply etching in the heart of flesh He gave me in place of my heart of stone. It is reflected in my writing, for separating it out is no longer possible. So, still He speaks and still I write.
I hope, dear reader, that you will return often to receive encouragement and life for your own heart. This is the Lord’s present to you, too. He enjoys sharing His wealth!
Happy fourth birthday, ‘sweetie’ girl! Happy fourth birthday of Wellspring of Life, my Bridegroom King!
Grandma Nanc & Gracefully Free
Shammahs Field LLC/Shammah Ministries is the biblical counseling, life coaching, and spiritual growth ministry entrusted to Wayne & Nancy Bentz. You can learn more about the resources they have to offer at www.shammahsfield.com.
Happy Birthday,Nancy’s Wellspring & Rielyn.
Number five will be here sooner than we realize. Blessings to and on you and the “Whatever Girls.”
I love to read your writing as Holy Spirit inspires and directs you. Happy 4th birthday to Wellspring and our darling Rielyn.
A proud sister and Auntie!
Blessings, Jan
Happy birthday to Wellspring, and your “sweetie” and my “sweet heart” and “baby girl”, as I am told I must call her! I love reading everything you write. So excited for what is to come with all of the changes! Love you!