Then I looked, and, oh!–a door open into Heaven. The trumpet-voice, the first voice in my vision, called out, “Ascend and enter. I’ll show you what happens next. 2 I was caught up at once in deep worship and, oh!–a Throne set in Heaven with One Seated on the Throne, 3 suffused in gem hues of amber and flame with a nimbus of emerald. (Revelation 4:1-3 MSG)
That was one of John the Revelator’s Patmos moments. Before he could respond to the command-like invitation, he was caught up in the Breath of worship and he was there. Spirit beckoned to spirit, and he was rewarded with a vision of stunning beauty unlike few human eyes have ever seen…
The focus of all Heaven – the One seated on the Throne.
No other sight first befell him. This is what he needed to see before the rest of the Revelation would follow. Full of Wisdom, God knew John’s heart could experience the unfolding events only if he was first saturated with Heaven in all its realness. This is where John could return and feast his eyes on Stunning Beauty. The darkness and defilement would be washed away as he gazed at Light and Purity.
So it is in the Royalty Realm in our day. We may not be banished to a literal rocky isle as John was. Yet we are living in a time that may soon usher in our “Patmos,” if we are not there already to some degree.
Do you long to know how to live in this age into which you were born? How does one dwell in the Royalty Realm while surrounded by a world that is more familiar and touchable than the invisible?
It begins with getting an eyeful of His Majesty’s stunning beauty. The heart will follow when our knees buckle.
In the Royalty Realm there is only one “One seated on the Throne.” Only One worthy of worship.
Protocol #1: It’s not us.
No title we bear, no authority we wield, no control we exert, no list of initials behind our signature, no name dropping we may engage, no beauty makeovers we indulge in will matter when we encounter the King of Kings seated on His Throne.
And if those things do matter when in His Presence, may I submit that the flesh yet holds a firm grip on unreality? The Sparkling One sitting on Heaven’s Throne is as real as it gets, folks.
The beauty of it is He wants us to see Him as He is. We sparkle His reflection, however dimly at present, when we do. Glimpses and glances are to be had in this Royalty Realm. They are enough to overwhelm us at times. But there is such joy in practicing His Presence! One day the practice will be rewarded with full sight – face to Face. There will then be no doubt:
He is stunningly beautiful. So too will we be for when we see Him as He really is, we shall be like Him.
Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see him as He is.3All who have this hope in Him purify themselves, just as He is pure. (1 John 3:2-3 NIV)
In the meantime, there is no need of waiting to take on more of His likeness. The Beautiful One beckons.
With purifying hope,
Gracefully Free
What a beautiful revelation God has given to you. I sense His presence ushering me into the throne room as I read this. What a beautiful reminder to rise above.
You’re welcome, Erica, for the reminder to rise above. The wonder of it is that He even lifts us into His beautiful robed lap when we need to feel His heartbeat.
Enjoy your time there 🙂
Love you, Nanc
The beauty, the majesty, the power and glory of our Lord is heart changing.
All else pales in comparison to Him. Thank you for reminding us of Him!
Love you.
This is practicing the Presence of God for sure. I’d like for the dirt of earthly days to drop away and sit on His clean, beautiful lap. How lovely to sit there as His beauty surrounds me. After today, thank you, Nanc.