It’s been a while since the last installment of “what’s clogging up your wellspring?” (See Deflective Hearts post). For some reason, it feels like it’s time for another one. “Oh, goody,” you say.
In this holiday season of making merry and eating even more merrily, some things continue grinding on in the background. You’re familiar with them: people and drivers that annoy the heck out of you; hopes dashed one more time because someone let you down – again; thinking that something is true simply because you want to think it is and no one is going to convince you otherwise…
Notorious for being thankful no one can read our minds, we humans are great at whipping out the holiday smiles and garbing ourselves in “tis’ the season” robes of revelry. While all the while, those internal things continue to ride that mysterious treadmill that got set in motion a while back – in some cases even years ago, embedded more deeply than just yesterday’s irritation and frustration.
I call this predicament “hardening of the hearteries.” Just as in our bodies clogged up arteries pose the risky potential for a heart attack, so do clots in our hearteries, those little streams and rivulets feeding into our spiritual hearts, our ‘wellspring of life.’
No one knowingly invites a heart attack, unless they choose to defiantly shake their fist at God! (Not a wise choice). However, unhealthy habits formed over time, practiced over time, and but for the awaiting grace of God, entrenched over time, are like a conveyor belt to our spiritual heart. Just as our arteries are designed to get blood and oxygen to the heart muscle, both our arteries and hearteries can become clogged up, slowed down and eventually totally blocked. An attacked heart is lurking around the corner.
“Aren’t you a barrel of good news?” you might be thinking. Well, actually, yes I am. The Good News of Jesus Christ’s cleansing, life-giving blood is the artesian source of any healthy, full-flowing wellspring. So what does that have to do with arteries, heart attacks, and potential disease or even death?
Jesus gives us the answer Himself…”I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” John 10:10b (AMP) That’s good news!
Just as prevention of clogged arteries requires a good diet and regular exercise, avoidance of clots in our hearteries requires a steady diet of dining on (taking in, chewing and swallowing, ingesting) the Bread and Water of Life (see John 6:26-40) and the discipline of exercising our heart before God.
Since exercise requires resistance in order to build our physical muscles, a heart exercised before the LORD is naturally going to experience resistance – our thoughts are not His thoughts, and He tells us to “…let (allow)this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5 (KJV) Not easily done, when one considers our mind is typically the site of the biggest battle. When victory reigns in our minds, the resulting fruit proof of free-flowing hearteries is a good indicator we have fought a battle through to defeat of an aspect of our own nature and have taken on more of Christ’s temperament in that regard.
Our ways are not His ways…He admittedly is the Most High and reigns in Majesty…yet He calls us to strive (in a disciplined sort of way, not the unhealthy striving of doing good works to be ‘good enough to please God and be accepted by Him’ that many are prone to) to walk in Jesus’ heart healthy paths. He instructs us to “make level (consider the) paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm.” Proverbs 4:26, Hebrews 12:13 (NIV) I love that the Hebrews passage goes on to say, “…so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.”
Discipline is healing; it’s good for our hearteries and it comes with a promise of “Later on, however…” (Remember, God’s promises are always fulfilled!)
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. LATER ON, HOWEVER, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. 12Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. 13Make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.” Hebrews 12:11-13 (NIV)
I encourage you to get less hung up about diet and exercise during this festive holiday season than you are devoted to dismantling the internal treadmill that is hardening your hearteries with its revolving belt. It is amazing how giving the Word of God its preeminent place in our lives leads to strength and vitality that flows through us – spirit, soul, AND body. Rather than being not only lame, but completely disabled, we can become trained and run the whole race God has set before us with strong limbs and healed hearts.
Here’s a heart-healthy diet and exercise plan that’s worth our time, effort, and dedication. ‘Tis the season…while it is still called Today. “So, as the Holy Spirit says, ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts’…” Hebrews 3:7a (NIV)
With healthy hearteries and Wellsprings on my mind…
Nancy Charlene
Donna Kuhn says
I look forward to the heart healthy presecription for those of us who need a new menu while readjusting our treadmill.
I’m in a Bible Study in Isaiah, and while he is telling others in my class, “Go out and spread the good news” – He’s telling me “Stay home and quilt.”
I’ve overdone it the last few months and I’m enjoying the forced vacation of not being able to get out of my driveway due to all the snow.
My husband called from Butte last night. He’s on his way home from burying his mother in Ct. He always drives. This is his second trip to New England since July. His theme song is “On the Road again.”
I was invited to three different homes for Thanksgiving and stayed home and started a quilt for our grandson in Afghanistan and his new high school sweetheart wife. I learned another lesson in life – how dark fabric highlights the bright fabric.
That’s how life is whether we’re eating, exercising, or evangelizing.
Nancy Bentz says
Dear Donna – my forced vacation solicited feelings similar to yours! Being diagnosed with cancer and several months at home translated for me to “stay home and write!” 🙂 It’s in the quiet time at home – as it will be for you, no doubt – that Holy Spirit does some of His best visiting. Especially while your hands are busy quilting and your spirit is open to listening and responding to Him. Precious times, enjoy them. The quilt you produce will not only be meaningful to your grandson, but will be the reality of remnants you and Holy Spirit have pieced together, together. Dark and light. He created them both and there is beauty in each. Love, Nanc
Donna Kuhn says
Dear Nancy,
Well, Ray got home about 10:00 this morning. I wasn’t expecting him so early but he gets antsy when he gets close to home and was on his way by 5 o’clock this morning.
He’s already outside trying to blow all the snow out of the driveway. He’s been sitting a lot since the day after Thanksgiving and he’s ready to work physically and get good and tired so he can enjoy and welcome the red flannel sheets tonight.
It used to be when he would come home from months at sea that I would greet him with red satin sheets. We celebrate 50 years of marriage in March and believe me red flannel is more comfortable than red satin!They are too slippery! You can end up on the floor!
While Ray is outside with his snow blower, I’m going to get the red flannel sheets out of the dryer and make the bed and be thankful for the health and energy to do the chores that we are required to do in the providence of God. I just finished reading a new book of Abigail and John Adams and how God used that couple in the formation of a new country and as parents and grandparents to their troubled family. They were honored to share their sorrows and their blessings – together.
I can tell you and Holy Spirit have spent some time together during your forced vacation time. He knows how to bring life to the Word and words and you certainly know how to put those syllables together, beautifully.
Sweet dreams and healing rest under the wings of our royal Comforter.