It is amazing to me that we are celebrating Wellspring of Life and granddaughter Rielyn* both turning six years old today! Where did the time go? When I look at this photo of Rielyn it is like looking at a snapshot of me at her age with just a bit of tweaking of the chin and cheeks. From the eyes up to her hairline, there are evident Grandma Nanc genes. Except she has eyebrows; mine were a casualty of chemo. Can you say ‘slow grow’ since that was well over five years ago now? For chemo and my eyebrows, not Rielyn!
It has felt like ‘slow grow’ for Wellspring of Life as well.
Each year of writing Wellspring has been unique – in season, in tone, in revelation. This past year has been no exception. In fact, the weekly writing I referred to in Wellspring’s 5th Anniversary and Birthday Edition a year ago began to ooze more slowly in year six from last May 2 to present, until I have found myself fortunate to publish a post on average of once a month!
For a writer, that’s discouraging. For a wineskin, it’s understandable even if not at the pace I would like each vintage year to achieve its fullness.
Simply put, the Lord and I continue to write together or I don’t write.
You readers, and me as the conduit, may feel like I’m producing molasses instead of turning vinegar into fine wine. However, if you choose to continue the journey with Vineyard Days and Wellspring of Life, I will be eternally grateful for your comradeship. The heart of our Beloved assures that it will be worth the wait and the price we have become willing to pay to purchase of Him gold tried in the fire (Revelation 3:18).
The Song of the Bridegroom King and the Shulamite Bride is a too precious and progressive portrayal of our spiritual growth and maturing in love to attempt to shortcut what He is revealing. May 3rd – the first day of the seventh year of Wellspring – may not point to a more rapid unfolding of a new year of writing. What I count on is that by God’s grace neither Rielyn’s nor Wellspring’s growth will be stunted. I trust the seventh year for both will bring about completion of a critical seven-year phase for His glory.
The beauty and constancy of the artesian well of Wellspring of Life is that it originates in the Lord himself. My heart’s deepest desire is to be found worthy of His calling and to be joined with Him as His bride. I pray that heart echo reverberates in you too. So to the generations, mine and yours –
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.”
And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.
Revelation 22:17
Grandma Nanc & Gracefully Free
~ Happy 6th Birthday, Rielyn Jolene!
and a life-giving 6th Anniversary,
Wellspring of Life and my Beloved ~
*Some time ago her name spelling was changed from Rielyn to Reilyn. Back to Rielyn. Officially. 🙂
P.S. You may enjoy reading the previous anniversary posts (links below). Me? I’m going to read the whole of Vineyard Days – from the beginning. I invite you to join me in the refresher beginning here and reading chronologically. Let it stir your heart. Again. The best is yet to be unfolded as we continue to answer His call to come away with Him.
Wellspring Fifth Anniversary and Birthday Edition
Wellspring Fourth Anniversary and Birthday Edition
Wellspring Third Anniversary and Birthday Edition
Wellspring Second Anniversary and Birthday Edition
Wellspring First Anniversary and Birthday Edition
Wellspring Beginning and Birth Edition – New Life!
Shammahs Field LLC/Shammah Ministries is the biblical counseling, life coaching, and spiritual growth ministry entrusted to Wayne & Nancy Bentz. You can learn more about the resources they have to offer at and
Wayne says
Happy anniversary Nanc. Thank you for your dedication and faithfulness to the call the Lord has given you.
Happy birthday Rielyn.
Nancy Bentz says
Thank you, Wayne / Grandpa / my beloved. ~ Your Nanc
Pat Joyce says
It may take a while, but I think I’ll walk through the last six years not just the last six anniversaries.
Nancy Bentz says
That would be some dedication, Pat 🙂 If you are inclined, I welcome your reading – with a cuppa (or lots of them!). Bless your heart. Love, Nancy
Sandy Lee says
Hi Nancy,
Enjoyed the reading as usual and just wanted to wish you Happy Anniversary dear friend. Your writings as so inspiring and informative and I just want to thank you for uplifting us. Happy 6th birthday also to your granddaughter… What a cutie. Still looking forward to having you and Wayne visit us at the ranch. Give me a call and we’ll put it on the calendar. Love you❤️ Sandy Lee
Nancy Bentz says
Thank you for your encouragement and friendship, Sandy. You’re welcome from me and the Lord ♥ We will set a date for the ranch visit this summer! Looking forward to it. Love to you, too ~ Nancy
Jan says
Happy Happy Anniversary and a big Happy Birthday to Rielyn! She is so cute!
The Lord has been talking to our fellowship about being in a time of constant change,
so hang in there and enjoy the ride. He is faithful to get us to our destination with Him by our side.
Love you lots,