Have you experienced times, dear Christian, when the grace has lifted? Consider it a rhetorical question. My guess is by the end of this post, your answer will be a resounding Yes. PS – You’re still loved by Jesus. There are times in life when it becomes apparent that beating a dead sheep is overkill. […]
There’s a Wound for That
Since I’m not able to go home and crawl in bed, this one is hot off the headache press as a reminder to me – and to you – that there’s a wound for that. And that’s just an achy head. What about all the rest that hurts? Time for another letter of truth-love, dear […]
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
What do puzzles and autopsy tables have in common? Welcome, Dear Christian, to a new installment for the body (no pun intended) of Christ. Will the Real Jesus please stand up? I’ve never witnessed a real autopsy. Sure, plenty of detective shows include a character in the role of a medical examiner and scenes shot […]
The Genuine and The Counterfeit
Dear Christian ~ welcome to The Genuine and The Counterfeit. This has been an interesting season, especially the past many weeks. One challenge after another has met me nose to nose and in the news, all while hawking the counterfeit in place of the genuine. With faux everything a cultural immersion these days, I see […]
When in Doubt, Remember This: Beware of Unbelief
“Oh God tell me, what’s going on?” My mind could use relief. When in doubt, remember this: beware of unbelief. Welcome, dear Christian, to a timely discussion of the difference between doubt and unbelief. Timely because this is still the age of grace. Understanding that there is a difference may one day save your bacon. […]
Have Broom, Will Sweep Under Rug
There’s a lot of housecleaning been going on, Dear Christian ~ I think it safe to say not a day goes by without an article here or a newsflash there exposing those who hold to have broom, will sweep under rug. There is no stain so red as the crawl of embarrassment and shame when […]
The Seven Dwarfs of Humanity
Dear Christian ~ have you heard there’s an APB out on the seven dwarfs of humanity? It’s kind of like those social media alerts that circulate up to five years after the fact. Unfortunately, these seven simply refuse to become an ‘after the fact.’ Still, God has a remedy. The seven dwarfs of humanity are […]
Nametags and Labelists
Hello, dear Christian. I’ve wanted to properly introduce ourselves. Here, hold my Bible while I grab some nametags and labelists. Ok, I’m back. Did you know, dear Christian, that progressive was in the vocabulary of the early Church? Whether they formally used the term (somehow I doubteth it) or not, they lived out the meaning […]
Love Buckets and Joy Bombs
Time for a story, dear Christian, about love buckets and joy bombs. The moral of this story: never underestimate the creative power of the love of God – in your life or someone else’s. Many years ago I sat in a conference and listened to a story about God’s love bucket dumped on an unsuspecting […]
Sitting in Mud Puddles and Propping Up Babies
Dreams full of spiritual meaning are not easily forgotten. Sometimes they are meant to be shared. Such is the case with sitting in mud puddles and propping up babies. Welcome back to another letter, dear Christian. Sitting in Mud Puddles It was now years ago, but I have never forgotten the dream I had of […]